- 前言
- 由深圳海关和香港渔农自然护理署共同编撰的《鱼类疾病诊断和防治图谱—病毒、细菌卷》,在2017年开始搜集图片资料,并以中英双语撰写文字,并经过多次审核、校对。本书内容包括文字和图片,扼要介绍及描述疾病病原和...
- Foreword
- The book, Manual of Fish Diseases: Diagnosis, Prevention and Management(Bacterial and Viral Diseases), written by Shenzhen Customs (SZC) and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Depar...
- 鲤春病毒血症
- 受感染的鲈鲤细胞及组织病变(HE染色)患病鲤
- Spring viraemia of carp, SVC
- Pathologic lesions in infected Percocypris pingi (HE staining)Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- 传染性造血器官坏死
- 患传染性造血器官坏死的鱼患病虹鳟细胞及组织病变(HE染色)
- Infectious haematopoietic necrosis, IHN
- Macroscopic findings of affected fishHistological lesions of affected fish (HE staining)
- 草鱼出血病
- 患草鱼出血病的鱼细胞及组织病变(HE染色)患草鱼出血病的鱼
- Hemorrhagic disease of grass carp
- Histological lesions of affected fish (HE staining)Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- 病毒性出血性败血症
- 患VHS病鱼
- Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia, VHS
- Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- 流行性造血器官坏死病
- 受感染鱼的临床症状
- Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis, EHN
- Clinical signs of affected fish
- 锦鲤疱疹病毒病
- 患病锦鲤症状
- Koi herpesvirus disease, KHVD
- Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- 金鱼造血器官坏死病
- 病鱼严重贫血使鳃明显褪色,外观无明显的特征性症状组织学检查可见肾细胞坏死(HE染色)
- Goldfish haematopoietic necrosis, GFHN
- Affected fish showing severe anaemia with pale gill without other apparent external lesionHistological lesions of the kidney showing marked necrosis of the renal tubular structure (HE staini...
- 鲑传染性贫血病
- 感染ISA的大西洋鲑可见肝脏颜色变暗,有腹水,脾肿大
- Infectious salmon anaemia, ISA
- Infected Salmo salar. Darkened liver, ascites and spleen enlargement
- 鲑甲病毒病
- 大西洋鲑感染SAV-3后不同细胞及组织的病理变化(HE染色)
- Salmonid alphavirus disease, SAVD
- Histological lesions of affected fish (HE staining)
- 心脏和骨骼肌炎
- 患病大西洋鲑内脏病变
- Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation, HSMI
- Macroscopic findings in affected Salmo salar
- 真鲷虹彩病毒病
- 患RSIV病鱼
- Red sea bream iridovirus disease, RSIVD
- Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- 淋巴囊肿病
- 幼鲷淋巴囊肿病的临床特征
- Lymphocystis disease, LCD
- Clinical features of Lymphocystis disease in young sea bream
- 病毒性神经坏死病
- 患VNN病鱼临床症状及病变病鱼细胞及组织病变(HE染色)
- Viral nervous necrosis, VNN
- Clinical signs and macroscopic findings of affected fishHistological lesions of affected fish. (HE staining)...
- 传染性胰脏坏死病
- 患IPN病鱼临床症状及病变患IPN病鱼的细胞及组织病理病灶(HE染色)
- Infectious pancreatic necrosis, IPN
- Clinical signs and macroscopic findings of affected channel catfishHistological lesions of affected fish (HE staining)...
- 斑点叉尾病毒病
- 感染CCVD的
- Channel catfish virus disease, CCVD
- Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- 弧菌病
- 患鱼病变病鱼细胞及组织病变
- Vibriosis
- Macroscopic findings of affected fishCytology findings and histological lesions of affected fish
- 疖疮病
- 患鱼病变
- Furunculosis
- Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- 柱状黄杆菌病
- 患鱼病变
- Columnaris disease
- Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- 细菌性冷水病
- 患鱼病变病原菌为革兰氏阴性的嗜冷黄杆菌
- Bacterial cold water disease, BCWD
- Macroscopic findings of affected fishThe aetiological agent is Gram-negative Flavobacterium psychrophilum...
- 链球菌病
- 患鱼病变感染链球菌病鱼细胞及组织病变(HE染色)
- Streptococcosis
- Macroscopic findings of affected fishHistopathology of Streptococcosis in fish (HE staining)
- Red-skin disease
- Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- Saprolegniasis (Dermatomycosis)
- Histological lesions of affected fishMacroscopic findings of affected fish by Saprolegniasis
- 鳃霉病
- 患鱼病变病鱼细胞及组织病变
- Branchiomycosis
- Macroscopic findings of affected fishHistological lesions of affected fish
- 流行性溃疡综合征
- 患鱼病变病鱼细胞及组织病变
- Epizootic ulcerative syndrome, EUS
- Macroscopic findings of affected fish. Fish affected by EUS are showing various degrees of skin ulceration on the body trunkCytology findings and histological lesions of affected fish...
- Lepmorthosis
- Macroscopic findings of affected fish
- 分枝杆菌病
- 病鱼内脏培养病原菌形成菌落病鱼组织病变
- Mycobacteriosis
- Macroscopic findings of affected fishPathogenic bacteria grew into colonies by culturingHistological lesions of affected fish...
- 诺卡氏菌病
- 患诺卡氏菌病的海鲈感染卡诺氏菌病的丽鱼细胞及组织病变(HE染色)
- Nocardiosis
- Macroscopic findings of affected sea bassHistological lesions of affected fish (HE staining)
- 爱德华氏菌病
- 感染爱德华氏菌的病鱼病鱼细胞及组织病变
- Edwardsiellosis
- Macroscopic findings of affected fishHistological lesions of affected fish
- 鱼立克次氏体病
- 感染类立克次氏体的罗非鱼病鱼细胞及组织病变(HE染色)
- Piscirickettsiosis
- Macroscopic findings of affected tilapiaHistological lesions of affected fish (HE staining)
- 淡水鱼细菌性败血病
- 嗜水气单胞菌引起的罗非鱼细菌性败血症罗非鱼细菌性败血症(以气单胞菌感染为主)细胞及组织病变(HE染色)
- Bacterial septicemia of freshwater fish
- Macroscopic findings of Tilapia fish infected by Aeromonas hydrophilaHistological lesions of Tilapia fish infected by Aeromonas sp. (HE staining)...
- 细菌性肠炎病
- 病鱼组织病变受感染的草鱼肠道
- Bacterial enteritis
- Histological lesions of the intestines of the affected grass carpThe intestines of the affected grass carp...
- 类结节病
- 解剖检查时可见脾脏和肾脏出现小的白色斑点病鱼细胞及组织病变(HE染色)
- Pseudotuberculosis
- Macroscopic of affected fish. Numerous pinpoint whitish lesions are present in the spleen and the kidneyHistological lesions of affected fish (HE staining)...
- ADEL M. T., RENATE R., MICHELE T., 1997. Identification of mycobacteria infecting fish to the species level using polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme analysis [J]. Vet. Microbio...